How To Solve Mole Problems for NWCO's And Home Owners

Latina: Neurotrichus gibbsii English: American shrew-mole, image taken at the Skagit River Trail, British Columbia, Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The history of moles show that the black fur animal lived around 45 million years ago according to archaeological records of fossils of said to be early species of moles. At the moment, there is around 42 species and sub-tribes of moles all over the world. At least 7 of these species are distributed widely in North America, including Canada. The seven commonly found species in the United States are the following:
• Star Nosed-Mole
• Hairy Tailed Mole
• Coast Mole
• American Shrew Mole
• Eastern Mole
• Townsend's Mole
• Broad Footed Mole
These wildlife burrowing animals come from the genus of Talpidae and mainly depend on insects, particularly ground insects like mites, earthworms and even mice. With minimal reduced eyes covered by their thick skin and some fur, the mole can barely see and only recognizes light, darkness and fuzzy movements. Moles can't determine the colors in their surroundings.
The Talpidae moles can sometimes be confused with other creatures such as gophers, shrews, voles and field mice, which all have similar physical characteristics. These species are not considered to be 'true moles'.
The moles are rarely seen, with homeowners saying they only have live glimpses of the creature if the mole come out of their tunnels (above the ground) for a couple of minutes. A visible effect which the moles have in their territory is the damage that cause in the earth. Mole hills are a common sight if there's a mole living in your property. These mounds are like small hills or mountains that rises above ground. Shallow tunnels join deeper tunnels in an elaborate tunnel system under ground. Lawns, green grass, turf and golf courses sometimes have these mounds.
What is The Best Way To Get Rid of Moles
If you've tried ineffective methods to remove the tunnel digging mole, it's understandable how you've wanted to get rid of the brown fur Talpidae animal once and for all.
Moles are nuisance and can destroy all your hard work in your garden or lawn. As soon as it starts digging, there is no natural means to stop it, unless the creature mole decides. Homeowners can try all sorts of methods. Using chemicals is sometimes used, but this is not safe and not recommended. Some would try to eliminate the food source, by killing the worms. However, this may not work and can even poison your soil, making the earth in your property unusable for plants, crops or grass.
Mole trapping is the best preferred method than pesticide or poison. Mole traps are safe for the environment and does not have long term side effects that can potentially harm plants, soil and other animals.